



Sat 15. June 2024, 19.00


Arvo Pärt Centre


Ensemble Melpomen
Arianna Savall (Soprano, Bárbitos/Lýra )
Giovanni Cantarini (Tenor, Kithára/Bárbitos, Rhómbos)
Martin Lorenz (Týmpana, Kýmbala, Krótala, Rhómbos)
Conrad Steinmann (Aulós, Kýmbala, musical directing and compositions)


Internationally aknowledged Ensemble Melpomen will perform their first concert at the Arvo Pärt Centre concert hall in Estonia. The Ensemble is based in Zurich and led by Conrad Steinmann, a recorder/aulos player and researcher of ancient music. The Ensemble is dedicated to the musical exploration of Ancient Classic Greece and appears in different formations depending on the project.

Programme Sappho: Pleasure and Displeasure
“This programme follows the traces of the legendary singer Sappho of Lesbos, but also draws a general picture of the mood of the 6th century BC in Ancient Greece. Personalities of vary ‘ego’ become obvious: Through Theognis staggering between ecstasy and desperation, or life weary Mimnermos, or statesmanlike Solon with his always up-to-date thoughts, as well as Anacreon with his joy of life and above all Sappho with her most intimate feelings. These shades are accompanied by the Aphrodite Hymns of the same period, lyrics in the style of Homer’s epic poems. A Mediterranean female voice, one male singer and plenty of meticulously reconstructed instruments of the period, add to the colours of Greek poetry the fascinating musical sounds.”


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