

An Exhibition of Arvo Pärt’s Work Opened in Paide


An exhibition of Arvo Pärt’s works, “The Formula of Love”, was opened today in the Church of the Holy Cross in Paide. Arvo Pärt’s works “Annum per annum” and “Trivium” were performed by organist Kristel Aera at the opening ceremony.

The exhibition “Formula of Love” follows in the footsteps of Arvo Pärt’s work, telling the story of his creative journey based on the archive materials of the Arvo Pärt’s Centre.

According to Kai Kutman, the curator of the exhibition, it is as if Arvo Pärt himself were telling his story, as the composer’s own thoughts form the central axis.

“That’s why it’s great that this exhibition is opening during the Opinion Festival. The aim of the Opinion Festival has been to “create a better understanding of ourselves, each other and the world” through debate. Arvo Pärt’s inner debate with himself has been going on for decades, and we can take part in it through his diaries, which he has entrusted to the Centre’s archives. This constant pondering in his mind has also led him to conclusions and new solutions, which he has expressed in his music,” said Kai Kutman at the opening of the exhibition.

She said it was also particularly gratifying that the exhibition is taking place in Paide, Arvo Pärt’s hometown, as it was the first exhibition of the Arvo Pärt Centre in Estonia to take place outside the Centre. The Centre has previously collaborated on exhibitions with music festivals held in England, Germany and the Netherlands.

The exhibition is curated by Aile Tooming, Karin Rõngelep and Kai Kutman and designed by Mart Kivisild. The exhibition was initiated by the Church of the Holy Cross in Paide.

The exhibition will remain open in the Church of the Holy Cross in Paide until the end of September.

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