Arvo Pärt Centre
Ülo Vooglaid
Professor Ülo Vooglaid will share his thoughts about children, creativity and freedom, role models and values.
Emeritus Professor Ülo Vooglaid is a social and educational scientist as well as politician. He is the author of several books, the most recent of which, Elanikust kodanikuks. Käsiraamat isemõtlejale (From Inhabitant to Citizen. Handbook for the Independent Thinker) was published this year. His previous book published last year, Sõna on Jõud (The Word is Power) is based on his lectures at the radio programme Night University (Ööülikool).
The lecture will be in Estonian and is open to all those interested.
Please notify us of your attendance via email at aile@arvopart.ee.
Attendance with a visitor’s ticket to the Arvo Pärt Centre (€5 / €3).