The idea of establishing the Arvo Pärt Centre in Estonia has been on the hearts of the composer’s family, and it was on their initiative that the centre was founded. The entire start-up capital was provided by the family in the form of the venue, the transportation of archival material from Germany to Estonia and the covering of everyday expenses.
In addition to the funding from the Estonian state and organisations who have given their contribution to build up the centre, we are thanksful to our collaboration partners in Estonia and abroad for their experiences and devotion.
Collaboration partners of the Arvo Pärt Centre:
Doug Maskew, Toomas Siitan, Saale Kareda, Madis Kolk, Kaarel Kuurmaa, Dorian Supin, Reet Sokmann, Hedi Rosma, Angelika Schneider, Birgit Püve, Krista Peek, Viive Valper, Jaan-Eik Tulve, Jorma Sarv, Marrit Andrejeva, Nikita Andrejev, Andres Kurg, Ra Luhse, Rein Lang, Inga Bowden, Rob Bowden, Maarja Neivelt, Indrek Neivelt, Maarja Loorents, Key Aavoja, Kristi Liiva, Ruti Einpalu, Mart Einpalu, Helge Saks, Kaire Maimets-Volt, Kristi Jõeäär, Eneli Meresmaa, Karin Laansoo, Grete Vellend, Liina Vilgats, Liis Kuusemäe, Hanna Schutting, Aleksandra Dolgopolova, Ulvi Pechter, Angela Pechter, Allar Pechter, Tea Trahov, Liivika Simmul, Aivar Napits, Tanel Veenre, Tiina Ristimets, Kalev Käosaar, Karina Vabson, Assar Jõepera, Laura Välja, Mall Eltermaa, Joonas Sildre, Malle Maltis, Aive Sarapuu, Peeter Sarapuu, Evelin Ilves, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Jaan Tootsen, Irina Pärt, Andres Kaljuste, Sophia Rahman, Arvo Vilu, Kaupo Kikkas
Universal Edition
ECM Records
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
Estonian Theatre and Music Museum
St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary
National Archives of Estonia
Britten-Pears Foundation
Arnold Schönberg Center
The Union of Estonian Architects
Estonian Music Information Centre
Estonian Music Council
Why we support the Arvo Pärt Centre?
Ranno Tingas, Ernst&Young Baltic
It is a great privilege for us to be able to sponsor the Arvo Pärt Centre. Arvo Pärt has brought Estonia to the top international stage through his compositions and if we can use our experience and knowledge to help preserve and present his work, then we want to be part of it.
Sten Luiga, Cobalt
Arvo Pärt is one of the greats of our small nation, but I have experienced his simplicity and genuineness. His family, and especially his wife, have worked hard to get all this material into the Centre today. Many good people have, of their own free will, put a lot of effort into setting up the Centre, and this enthusiasm infected us too.
Liivika Simmul (volunteer since the founding of the Centre)
What I have given is of course nowhere near to what I have received, getting at first hand the experiences and impulses that I seek and need in life. Working with the Arvo Pärt Centre for me means coming into contact with Arvo Pärt’s world. I get the same feeling that lifts the heart. The Centre is the twin brother of the music, it has the same spirit but in a different form. A spirit that helps me live.