

Michael Pärt Emphasises the Importance of Private Donors for Culture


On 10 and 11 June, the Arvo Pärt Centre Endowment invited supporters, entrepreneurs, musicians and government representatives to the Arvo Pärt Centre to contribute to the preservation of Arvo Pärt’s creative legacy. We are extremely grateful that the President of Estonia Alar Karis and Mrs Sirje Karis, as well as President Toomas Hendrik Ilves and Minister of Culture Heidy Purga, honoured the event with their presence.

The two-day event focused on Arvo Pärt’s music. Conductor Tõnu Kaljuste and Madli-Liis Parts, International Relations Adviser at the Ministry of Culture, spoke about its importance in the wider cultural context in a discussion moderated by Joonas Hellerma. Pärt’s vocal compositions were performed by the ensemble Vox Clamantis under the baton of Jaan-Eik Tulve, and Kristina Kõrver from the Arvo Pärt Centre shed light on the context of the composer’s work.

It was a great pleasure to welcome back to Laulasmaa the Centre’s architects Enrique Sobejano and Fuensanta Nieto, who reflected on the essence of architecture in a conversation with Joonas Hellerma.

In his speech at the gala dinner, President Alar Karis emphasised the importance of preserving Arvo Pärt’s legacy in Estonian culture and called the Centre one of Estonia’s key cultural touchstones.

“Everyone who has been exposed to Arvo Pärt’s music has become richer and purer as a person. It leaves no one untouched or unaffected. It draws our attention to the fundamental values and basic truths of life,” said President Karis.

Michael Pärt, CEO of the Arvo Pärt Centre Endowment, highlighted the importance of private donors in funding culture: “Culture is not only passed on by its creators – throughout the ages, it has been the benefactors who have kept it alive and flourishing. I am sincerely grateful to everyone who is helping to spread Arvo Pärt’s legacy.”

The special guest at the fundraising dinner was world-renowned composer, singer-songwriter, Sting, who performed his own works with Dominic Miller (guitar) and Chris Maas (cajon).
Arvo Pärt’s Silouan’s Song was performed by the string orchestra of the Old Town Educational College, conducted by Rasmus Puur.

Established in 2021, the Arvo Pärt Centre Endowment is primarily focused on collecting donations to preserve Arvo Pärt’s musical legacy and growing the endowment through investment. The objective of the Endowment is to support the activities of the Arvo Pärt Centre.

The Arvo Pärt Centre is closed on Sunday, 8 September. On 11 September, the Centre will close at 17:00. We apologise for any inconvenience caused!

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